This week the scientific community has stated to unveil the missing link of Darwinism. They counted down to its opening curtain, revealing the said to be 47 million year old fossil named Ida (Darwinius masillae). But before we get too excited, remember the missing link was also claimed to be found in 2006 with Fishapod Tiktaalik roseae, as well as the Coelacanth, that was found to be alive and swimming.
There is a war out there; each side is trying to bury the other. Recent developments like the Louisiana Academic Freedom Act that can allow alternative teachings to Darwinism fuel the controversy further. Although I am not an extremist on either side, meaning although not an Atheist, I do not believe that God keeps snow in its storehouse or opens floodgates allowing the water that is stored on top of the Earth to fall giving us rain.
I think the best way to solve the controversy is to accept the theistic evolution interpretation of Genesis 1 where it states, "And God said, Let the Earth bring forth the living creature" and "Let the waters bring forth abundantly." This allows the teaching that God let the Earth and waters do its thing and create life, which would not contradict Darwinism or religion.
The creation of man can be interpreted as a special event, God using a pre-existing template from an animal and creating something new. This is also known as progressive creation..
Some churches have had debated introducing theistic evolution. One thing for sure is, if Darwinism is proven to be true, the churches will be forced into theistic evolution. Remember it was only in 1992 that the Roman Catholic Church admitted Galileo was correct. Despite the announcement of Ida, the megachurches are not closing down this week.
What do you think about the announcement that Ida, the "missing link of Darwinism," has been discovered?
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