Monday, February 2, 2009

Scuba Diving Made Easy

By definition, Scuba Diving is the use of self contained, underwater breathing apparatus and as such was named by the uses of this equipment. When an individual going underwater for long periods of time it is essential that you have equipment to breath.

Sometimes diving takes place very deep under the sea and it wouldn't be practical or even feasible to come up for air every half minute when you've run out of oxygen in your lungs. The diver wears all this equipment on his back and swims underwater with fins on the feet for easier mobility in the water much like a fish has fins.

The History of Diving

Scuba diving has been around for a long time already and was mainly designed and created to have purpose in the world wars or to be utilized in battle. The soldiers in those times used something similar to scuba diving equipment however it was called a frogman. A doctor developed this in the era of WWII by the name of Christian Lambertsen and although scuba diving is used for many reasons today, it is becoming even more popular with the advancements that it is making in the recent decades.

Risks Associated with Scuba Diving

There are many risks associated with scuba diving that may seem that they are not risks however changes in air pressure is probably the most dangerous risk facing scuba diving with the exception of getting eaten by a shark. Changes in pressure in the water can cause such extreme pressure that it can rupture an eardrum or do damage that is even less desirable.

Every part of your body is required to be equalized by the pressure surrounding you depending on the depth of water you are in and if you are changing water depths. Another common known scuba diving problem is called oxygen toxicity, which is especially dangerous, and life threatening in that it can cause seizures and has often resulted in the diver drowning.

However like any other accident, this is a completely preventable issue by following diving instructions properly and safely. Nitrogen narcosis can affect a diver when he gets to sixty-six feet and generally dissipates immediately as the diver sinks lower than this depth. There are many dangers that face a diver and it is wise to get professional guidance.