Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bunaken Cha cha Fried Rice (Testimonial)

My husband and I had this fried rice for lunch when we stayed at Bunaken Cha Cha, a nice relax resort in North Sulawesi. As usual, I would ask the recipe where possible since it would be a nice alternative to the fried rice with sweet soy sauce that I usually make.

When you see the colour of the fried rice, it is with fresh green tinge. Also, the base ingredients are very simple but oh my.... it's like you want more and more. Good thing, the chef is not stingy to share his precious recipe. Thanks, Rinto.

Editing note: I made this fried rice again today (20/7/08) and used more vegetables and had to add more chicken stock and a dash of salt. Otherwise, the taste would be a slightly bland.

This ingredients have been modified just slightly according to the stock in my pantry.

Rice: 360 mL uncooked rice; cook according to the instructions on the packet but with slightly less water. Cool the rice. (original - 2 bowls of cooked rice)

Scrabled egg: 5 eggs + a dash of white pepper + a pinch of nutmeg + a pinch salt, cook to soft scrambled egg. Put aside. (original - 2 eggs)

1 Tbsp sesame oil
(original - use 2 spring onion but i didn't use)
4 tsp mince Spanish onion (original - 4 shallots)
4 tsp mince garlic (original - 4 garlic)
4 pieces rindless short bacon, cut finely (original - use 2 streaky bacon)
16 stalks baby choy sun, mince finely (original - use 2 stalks choy sun)
3 tsp chicken stock powder, Massel (original - use 2-3 Knorr chicken blocks)

(Saute spring onion for 1-2 minutes)

Saute onion and garlic with sesame oil until the garlic is slightly brown. Add bacon and cook until fragrant.

Add rice and buck choy, stir. Then, add chicken stock powder and egg. Stir until well mixed.

Serve warm.

This is the fried rice that I had for my lunch in Bunaken.